Our Services

Customised Falsework Solutions for Your Construction Project Needs

Our services go beyond just the provision of specialist propping equipment. Shoreload & Propping provide a multitude of services tailored to the specific needs of your project.

Solution Design

Shoreload & Propping provide solution design as an integral part of our overall solution, at no incremental cost to your business.

Our in depth engagement starts when you first make contact. Our expert staff will come out and meet you on site to discuss, review and confirm the solution with you prior to implementation, which adds value to your project immediately.

Solutions design begins with an evaluation of your project needs and environment. We take time to review and interpret your plans and requirements early on, to fully understand and engineer the nature of the work required.

More importantly, we early identify the constraints and deal with any other factors that may introduce complexity or risk to the project.

Erection & Dismantle

Erection and dismantlement of temporary support solutions are specialist activities that require considerable accuracy and care throughout. We take immense care and pride in the work we do, as the consequences of ineffective tasks can be significant.

Our team has the experience, knowledge and skills to erect and dismantle your temporary support solutions safely and effectively, regardless of the scale, environment or heights required. The majority of our team have been with us for many years, so we know their efficiency, expertise and approach will deliver you and your project the best possible outcome.


Shoreload & Propping work with top of the market structural engineers to ensure our solutions provide you with sufficient support, giving you confidence for projects.

From the moment we receive the project's construction plans, our team will work intimately with a qualified structural engineer to ensure you are receiving the safest and most efficient solution design.

During the entirety of the project, we have qualified staff within our teams who conduct internal reports such as Quality Assurance’s, to provide you with even more confidence while our solutions are in place.



As part of our services, Shoreload & Propping have multiple crane mounted trucks within our fleet. This means delivery and removal of our equipment becomes extremely efficient, and allows us to gain more control over the logistics side of our service.

Whether you need an urgent delivery or you had a crane break down on site, our fleet are there to help where we can.

Get Support For Your Next Project.